by XDK
26. September 2019 23:05

Setup Auto SSH Login
SSH to Jenkins Master
$ sudo -iu jenkins
Generate Public & Private RSA Key.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
public key location : /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/
private key location : /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa
Create .ssh directory on Jenkins Slave 1 from Jenkins Master
$ ssh -i /home/ubuntu/bin/myaccountkey.pem ubuntu@ mkdir -p .ssh
Attach master public key with slave authorized directory
$ cat .ssh/ | ssh -i /home/ubuntu/bin/myaccountkey.pem ubuntu@ 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Verify connection
$ ssh ubuntu@
Create .ssh directory on Jenkins Slave 2 from Jenkins Master
$ ssh -i /home/ubuntu/bin/myaccountkey.pem ubuntu@ mkdir -p .ssh
Attach master public key with slave authorized directory
$ cat .ssh/ | ssh -i /home/ubuntu/bin/myaccountkey.pem ubuntu@ 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Download Jenkins Slave 1 Agent Program on Jenkins Slave 1 Machine
SSH to Jenkins Slave 1
Create bin directory.
$ mkdir ~/bin
Goto bin and download slave.jar from master
$ cd bin
$ wget
Add Jenkins Slave 1 Machine to Jenkins Master
Login to Jenkins site

Launch Command
$ ssh ubuntu@ java -jar ./bin/slave.jar
Download Jenkins Slave 2 Agent Program on Jenkins Slave 2 Machine
SSH to Jenkins Slave 2
Create bin directory.
$ mkdir ~/bin
Goto bin and download slave.jar from master
$ cd bin
$ wget
Add Jenkins Slave 2 Machine to Jenkins Master
Login to Jenkins site

Launch Command
$ ssh ubuntu@ java -jar ./bin/slave.jar

by XDK
26. September 2019 22:53
tomcat/conf/server.xml, controls tomcat server-level stuff, like ports
tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml, edit to insert users for tomcat manager app
tomcat/webapps/_webappname_/WEB-INF/web.xml, webapp-internal configs for a specific webapp
tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/_webappname_.xml, server-level configs for a specific webapp auto-created when tomcat is started
tomcat/conf/context.xml, default values for server-level webapp configs, seldom changed, overridden by webapp-specific context xml file
tomcat/conf/web.xml, default values for webapp configs, seldom changed, overridden by webapp-specific web.xml file
tomcat/conf/, controls tomcat logging details, seldom changed
tomcat/conf/, tomcat internal classloader configs, don't mess with it.
tomcat/conf/catalina.policy, tomcat internal security policy, don't mess with it.
by XDK
24. September 2019 05:41
Following are the levels of variable precedence arranged from the least (always gets overridden) to the most (can override anything below it):
1. Role defaults
2. Inventory files (host_vars > group_vars > vars)
3. Playbook group_vars
4. Playbook host_vars
5. Host facts
6. Variables files > vars_prompt > vars
7. Variables created using the register clause
8. Variables files created inside Roles and those set by the include_vars module
9. Variables defined in a block
10. Variables defined in a task block
11. Any variables passed through -e during command execution
by XDK
23. September 2019 08:29
Command to view the execution status
$ echo $?
Exit status output will be 0,1 or 2 where 0 --> Success, 1 --> Minor problems and 2 --> Serious problem
Tags: Commands
by XDK
19. September 2019 18:37