by XDK
19. July 2019 18:48
API version can be specified either in the header of the HTTP request or as a URL query parameter:
HTTP request header: Accept: application/json;api-version=1.0
Query parameter: GET {url}/{organization}/_apis/{area}/{resource}?api-version=1.
Supported versions
by XDK
23. July 2017 00:06
Team Services: https://<account>
TFS 2017: http://<TFS Server>/tfs/<Collection Name>/_admin/_buildQueue
TFS 2015 Update 3: http://<TFS Server>:8080/tfs/<Collection Name>/_admin/_buildQueue
TFS 2015 RTM: http://<TFS Server>:8080/tfs/<Collection Name>/_admin/_buildQueue#_a=settings
by XDK
27. May 2017 00:13
TF254078: No attachable databases were found on the following instance of SQL Server: <Server Name>. Verify that both the name of the server and the name of the instance are correct and that the database was properly detached using the detach command in the Team Foundation Administration Console.
You may need to check whether the project collection is detached from the other TFS instance properly.
Execute the following query on the problematic project collection database where it is restored
USE <project collection database name>
SELECT name, value FROM sys.extended_properties

Check whether the TFS_SNAPSHOT_STATE property with the Complete value is available in the query output.
If you don’t see the TFS_SNAPSHOT_STATE property then the project collection is not detached completely from the other TFS instance properly
by XDK
20. November 2016 01:40
1. Download the latest Cross-Platform Command-Line Client from the below link
2. Unzip the archive file that contains the client.
3. Configure your shell or system path to include the folder to which you unzipped the archive.
vi ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:<Path of the Command-Line client unzipped folder>
4. Save and exit
5. Execute the below command
source ~/.bash_profile
tf eula -accept
6. At command prompt, type tf, and then press the ENTER key.
7. Set the TF_AUTO_SAVE_CREDENTIALS environment variable to any value, such as "1" to save TFS credentials in the credentials cache. After you set the variable, you do not need to specify authentication information each time that you run a tf command.
8. execute the below command
vi ~/.bashrc
9. Add the line
10. Save and exit
11. Execute the below command
source ~/.bashrc
tf get -login:<User name>,<Password>
by XDK
28. July 2016 22:36
TF400018: The local version table for local workspace <Box Name;User Name> could not be opened. The workspace version table contains as unknown scheme version.
This error may occur when the local workspace is corrupted
Delete or rename the local workspace cache folder at "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Team Foundation"